Contrefaçon de médicaments dans des pharmacies en Chine

Publié le par Cabinet Investigations IE Boillot

en 2008 deux tiers de pharmacies chinoises vendaient des contrefaçons de médicaments, selon un journal chinois.....

2 octobre 2008
Chinese Communist authorities are causing trouble for a man on a crusade to rid China's pharmacies of fake products. The country's media call Gao Jingde China's top fighter against counterfeit medicine—but recently he's been questioned by police and assaulted on the street.
Gao began his investigations four years ago, after suffering dangerous side effects from officially approved medication for liver disease. Since then he's reported that an estimated two thirds of China's drugstores sell counterfeit medicine.
Gao puts a large share of the blame on the communist regime's State Food and Drug Administration and its failure to regulate the industry.
All this has put Gao under fire.
Recently, Gao was severely beaten by four unknown men in front of the Nanfang University Medical Center, which he had been investigating for the use of false medicine.
A few days later, on September 24, Nanjing police arrested and interrogated him without explanation after he sought legal help from a member of a pro-democracy group. He has since been released.

Publié dans Contrefaçon

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